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2025 Annual Pledge Campaign
Grace Episcopal Church’s ministries, including our outreach throughout Greater New Bedford, exist because of the support and financial commitment of each parishioner. Through our collective generosity, we sustain and further the way of Jesus in New Bedford and surrounding communities. We hope you will reflect on the ways we serve God together at Grace and prayerfully consider making a pledge of financial support to our church for the coming year.
You can also read our answers to frequently asked questions.
Why is Grace important to me/us? Why do I/we give to Grace?
We invite you to write a few words on your “virtual footprint” about “Why is Grace important to me/us? Why do I/we give to Grace?, either with your name or anonymously.
• Do not write the amount pledged on your footprint- your pledge amount will always remain confidential.
• Please indicate if you want your name on your footprint or not
A member of the stewardship committee will create a footprint with your information as directed and this footprint will be placed on the poster which will have a walkway.
Our goal is to collect as many on our poster as possible- every footprint will represent a pledging person or household.
The committee will review all the comments and select a few to be published anonymously in the weekly bulletin, eNews, etc. with a few being read at services.

Memorial Gifts
The Memorial Gifts Committee receives requests for and donations to a restricted fund consisting of donations given in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a person or event. In recent years, the Committee has authorized funds to be used toward the belfry restoration, which is part of the Grace Restoration Campaign.

Planned Giving and Bequests
A Planned Gift is a gift made during one’s lifetime as part of a donor’s financial planning.
A Bequest is a gift made at death as part of a donor’s estate planning.
These may include the gift of an asset in lieu of cash, gifts that return income or other financial benefit to the donor in return for the contribution, and gifts payable upon the donor’s death. Such gifts have tax benefits.

Grace in Community Restoration Campaign
Grace Church has been nourishing generations of parishioners to serve the world in Jesus’ name, while also continuously reaching out to the larger community of which we are an integral part. Our church and parish house are the sacramental bricks and mortar of our shared ministry. They are outward and visible signs of God’s grace given to us and extended through us to others.
With hearts full of gratitude for what God continues to do through Grace for us and for Greater New Bedford, we continue to receive donations for our “Grace in Community” campaign to address crucial building needs due to aging and wear. The campaign allows us to complete necessary work on the structural renovation of the church so that we might continue and even expand our ministry and collaboration with our surrounding community.