Contact the Parish Administrator to investigate participating in any of these ministries.
Call 508-993-0547 or email

Episcopal Church Women

This organization has been in existence since 1858, though it has gone through many name changes. The organization has been known as the Episcopal Church Women since 1976, and currently has approximately 30 active members. This group of women meets four times each year- in March, May, October, and December- for lunch and program. The meetings provide a venue for fellowship, education, and service. Through the generosity of our predecessors, the ECW is blessed with endowments that we use to help others in our parish, community, diocese, nation and world.

Among the organizations supported have been: Grace Episcopal Church Clergy Discretionary Fund, Grace Episcopal Church Restoration Fund, Grace After School and Summer Program, South Coast Mission Hub Life Together Intern Program, Laundry Love, South Coast Breast Imaging Center, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SHARE (Society for Human Advancement through Rehabilitative Engineering) Foundation, Inc., Humane Society and Shelter South Coast, The Neediest Families Fund, Shriners’ Burn Unit, Rosebud Episcopal Mission, Society of St. Margaret for work in Haiti, and Episcopal Relief and Development- Gifts of Life to purchase two goats and one flock of chickens.

Team Property

Team Property works with the Junior Warden to maintain and improve the physical fabric of our buildings and the appearance of the grounds.

During the past few years, this team has gone above and beyond to cope with the repairs needed to the tower and the basement office area.

The team is working on a long range maintenance plan and future projects listed in the capital campaign. In addition, a continuing effort to making the properties "green" is ongoing.

Volunteers welcome!

Office Volunteers

The Grace Church office is open from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 3, Tuesday through Thursday and from 9 to 12 on Friday.

Office volunteers cover the phones and the door when the Parish Administrator is away.
They also assist as needed when the church prepares large mailings.

The Senior Warden has been coordinating a rota of volunteers. If you have a few weekday hours to spare, consider joining us!


If you would like to have flowers on the altar in memory of a loved one, please fill out one of the forms in the back of the church or in the lobby of the chapel. Place the form and donation in an envelope, and either place it in the offertory plate or bring it to the office or give it to Charlene Ryder or Jerré Croteau.

During the Summer, from June 26—September 4, we are requesting the Gardeners of Grace to make arrangements from their flower gardens. We would appreciate a single arrangement for the chancel at the 9:00-o’clock service. You may use your own vessels, but vases of all sizes are also available in the flower room.

If you would like to sign up to provide flowers for a Sunday, please contact Jerré Croteau at


The Finance Committee manages the budget of the church.

Contact the Parish Administrator to investigate participating in any of these ministries.
Call 508-993-0547 or email